It was a really weird Christmas for me this year.. I was surrounded by all of my family and Cory was still in Idaho because he had to work Christmas day but that didn't bother me as much as I could help but reflect on last Christmas when our whole focus was on getting ready for our baby girl. We brought her home on Christmas Eve and no present or christmas decoration could make me happier than to be with my little baby! I still can't believe she is one. I thought that it would be so much easier once she turned that magical number but all of a sudden I feel like there is a lot of pressure on me getting pregnant again. I mean I want a family and I want Joslyn to have siblings but I still feel like I just had her, but if I don't get pregnant soon than I could mess up the whole two years spacing, and I don't want to be still getting pregnant in my thirties. I want to be able to have fun by then with my kids rather than taking the back seat all the time. sooo... thanks a whole lot for turning one Joslyn. j.k... no I'm excited but scared. Growing up is full of decisions and responsibility and it's scary.
Well here are Joslyns' one year check up- we changed Doctors. We were going to the Pediactric Center, and we like them ( we really like Dr. Olson) but we just felt like maybe going to our friend Dr. Fackrell. So he did Josie's 1 yr. check up and here it goes:
- Head circumference: 17 inches (25th percentile)
- Weight: 17 pounds (3rd percentile)
- Lenghth: 28 1/2 inches (25th percentile)
Dr. Fackrell was really nice and Cory was really nice but I could help but cry after the appointment. One mainly because shots seem to hurt more for a one year old, and the other is the concern still with her weight. I can't help but feel like I'm failing as a parent and that is why my daughter isn't as chunky as she ought to be. We are weaning her off of nursing and onto vitamin D milk. At first she hated it, and she didn't even care for chocolate milk or warm milk like what was suggested. I just had to keep pushing milk, and she prefers it plain and cold. So hopefully with her taking whole milk this will help her gain the appropriate weight and dr.'s and husbands won't be looking at me like "why isn't she bigger?"
but this is what Joslyn has been up to:
- she has a total of 6 teeth that have cut through (4 on top, 2 on bottom)
- she likes to crawl with this extra wiggle her her hips and shaking her head - very dramatic
- she pulls her self up and walks only with walker, while holding onto a finger, but never by herself.
- she still has a thing for playing with q-tips and tampons
- she loves to wear fake pearls and have mom pretend to put make up on her
- she loves to dance like nobodies business
- she screeches all the time
- her hair finally fits in pig tails- sooo cute!
- she can wave good bye, direct music by waving her arms in the air when music is playing, say milk in sign language, and clap her hands when you say patty cake.
- she will give kisses when you ask, but she will also deny you... she is very selective on who she kisses.
- we let her play with crayons only when she has a binky in she so doesn't eat it.
there are probably tons more that she can do, but I can't remember them all. I hope everyday that I am teaching her what she needs and that I'm not slacking. I am so grateful that I get to stay home with her. I know it is a struggle for us and we can't have whatever we want anymore but have to budget now but it is such a blessing to be a stay at home mom and I take it seriously. I love you Joslyn with all my heart!
so cute!! and stop thinking you are failing!! you are doing great and you need to know that and so does she!! keep up the good work!!
Super cute family pic! Funny you are so upset about her weight, I was like whoo-hoo she is not in the one percentile anymore. It's an improvement.
Stef! seriously don't worry about the weight thing, Megan is finally on the charts at her 3 yr check up :) and Addison is also not on the charts for her and Cory are not big people, it makes sense that you don't have a big kid :) She is super cute!! Nice work :)
You are a fantastic mom!!! Don't worry. She looks healthy and wonderful, moving around doing what she is sopposed to at 1 year old...seriously she is darling and perfect and so are you!!!
Brock was finally on the scale at his 1 year check up...I was so excited. He too is tiny.
Miss you!!!
Holy cow I felt that way too, but I wasn't ready have a baby yet either or to be pregnant. Don't feel pressured you will know when it is right. Ainzley will be 2 1/2 when we have our second and I think it will work out just fine even though ideally i thought i would want them 2 years apart, it just wasn't the right timing for me. Good luck! Don't worry about her weight either you are a great mom! You and Cory are both small, my niece is one almost two and I think she is smaller or about the same size as Josie, you are great she will be a super healthy active girl just like her mom.
Just remember that life often has other plans than what you think you prefer. It's more important to have time to enjoy each child as they come and be emotionally, finanically, physically, and spiritually prepared for another child rather than just feel pressured to stick to some arbitrary number you think sounds good. Follow your heart, you'll figure it ou.
She is so cute! I can't believe she's 1! Ian was always small too and he hated whole milk at first. Now he loves it. You're such a good mom. I miss seeing you everyday, even though it's been awhile.
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